
Linked Lists

What is a linked list?

Source: Linked Lists

A Linked List is a sequence of Nodes that are connected/linked to each other. The most defining feature of a Linked List is that each Node references the next Node in the link.



Next must be used to traverse the nodes in the linked list. Next property is important because it will lead us where the next node is and allow us to extract the data appropriately.

Note: you CAN NOT use a foreach or for loop when traversing the linked list.

The best way to approach a traversal is through the use of a while() loop. This allows us to continually check that the Next node in the list is not null. If we accidentally end up trying to traverse on a node that is null, a NullReferenceException gets thrown and our program will crash/end.

The Current will tell us where exactly in the linked list we are and will allow us to move/traverse forward until we hit the end.

Big O

The Big O of time for Includes would be O(n). This is because, at its worse case, the node we are looking for will be the very last node in the linked list. n represents the number of nodes in the linked list.

The Big O of space for Includes would be O(1). This is because there is no additional space being used than what is already given to us with the linked list input.

What’s a Linked List, Anyway? [Part 1]

Source: What’s a Linked List, Anyway? [Part 1]

Linear data structures

One characteristic of linked lists is that they are linear data structures, which means that there is a sequence and an order to how they are constructed and traversed.

We can think of a linear data structure like a game of hopscotch: in order to get to the end of the list, we have to go through all of the items in the list in order, or sequentially. Linear structures, however, are the opposite of non-linear structures. In non-linear data structures, items don’t have to be arranged in order, which means that we could traverse the data structure non-sequentially.

Linear Linked List

When we use arrays in our code, we’re implementing a linear data structure! It can be helpful to think of arrays and linked lists as being similar in the way that we sequence data. In both of these structures, order matters.

Memory management

When an array is created, it needs a certain amount of memory. If we had 7 letters that we needed to store in an array, we would need 7 bytes of memory to represent that array. But, we’d need all of that memory in one contiguous block. That is to say, our computer would need to locate 7 bytes of memory that was free, one byte next to the another, all together, in one place.

On the other hand, when a linked list is born, it doesn’t need 7 bytes of memory all in one place. One byte could live somewhere, while the next byte could be stored in another place in memory altogether! Linked lists don’t need to take up a single block of memory; instead, the memory that they use can be scattered throughout.

Memory Allocation Example

Parts of a linked list

The starting point of the list is a reference to the first node, which is referred to as the head. Nearly all linked lists must have a head, because this is effectively the only entry point to the list and all of its elements, and without it, you wouldn’t know where to start! The end of the list isn’t a node, but rather a node that points to null, or an empty value.

Parts of a Linked List Example

Lists for all shapes and sizes

Sinlgy vs. Doubly vs. Circular Linked lists

Circular linked list - it has a node that acts as the tail of the list (rather than the conventional head node), and the node after the tail node is the beginning of the list.

Resources If you think linked lists are super cool, check out these helpful resources.

What’s a Linked List, Anyway? [Part 2]

Source: What’s a Linked List, Anyway? [Part 2]