
Class 29: Django Custom User

Django Custum User Model

Setup To start, create a new Django project from the command line. We need to do several things:

Naviagte to the desired directory:

$ cd ~/Desktop

create and navigate into a dedicated directory called accounts for example:

$ mkdir accounts && cd accounts


$ mkdir accounts
$ cd accounts

install Django

$ pipenv install django~=3.1.0

enter your virtual envirnment:

$ pipenv shell

make a new Django project called config

(accounts) $ startproject config .

make a new app accounts

(accounts) $ python startapp accounts

start the local web server:

(accounts) $ python runserver

Here are the commands to run:

Note that you did not run migrate to configure our database. It’s important to wait until after we’ve created our new custom user model before doing so.


Additional Resources

Creating a Custom User Moel

Abstract User, User Profile and Signals in Django


Substituting a custom User mode