
Class 43: Ethics in Tech

Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

The general idea of this document is to instill in every tech professional that they are required to always be strding forward with the best of intentions and resolving issues that stray outside the realm of acceptability.

Gavin Belson

What to do if you are asked to violate the publics trust???

No, way

Software Engineering Code of Ethics

Ethics in the workplace

The code I’m still ashamed of

Project Dragonfly, Google’s censored search engine

Amazon workers demand Jeff Bezos cancel “Recognition” software

Google and AI

Microsoft Employees demand end of ICE contract

Microsoft and the DoD

Ethics in Technology

Self Driving Car Ethics

Ethical dilemma of self driving cars

Cyber-Security of self driving cars

Big Data is our Civil Rights issue

Will democracy survive big data and AI?

Tech Company Principles

Microsoft AI Principles

Ethical OS Toolkit

Google AI Principles