
Reading Notes

Source: Nick Dorkins - Software Development Reading Notes

Code 102 - Intro to Software Development

Code 201 - Foundations of Software Development

Welcome to Reading notes for 201. Here, you will find notes on reading, writing, understanding, debugging, and functions of various languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

  1. Introduction HTML and JavaScript
  2. HTML Text, CSS Introduction, and Basic JavaScript Instructions
  3. HTML Lists, CSS Boxes, JS Control Flow
  4. HTML Links, CSS Layout, JS Functions
  5. HTML Images; CSS Color & Text
  6. JS Object Literals; The DOM
  7. HTML Tables; JS Constructor Functions
  8. More CSS Layout
  9. Forms and Events
  10. JS Debugging
  11. Assorted Topics
  12. Docs for the HTML <canvas> Element & Chart.js
  13. Local Storage 14a. CSS Transforms, Transitions, and Animations 14b. What Google Learned About Teams

Code 301 - Intermediate Software Development

Code 401 - Advanced Software Development